et tu ne veux pas un homme hypochondriaque, qui seulement faire des réperations.
à la cierge lumière tu contruis l'homme d'acier.

machine on sea

Durch die Vorstädte Zement in Blüte geht.

in white rooms we stay

clean up the dirty floor. 

showtime! it's pouring glass marbles

nighttimes you mend yourself together, daytimes you melt like sweet drops in sun.
and i forgot how dreaming works.

linear motion

If we can't stand this closeness longer, we plant bluebottles in rain. 
Dumb echo - no space for movement and your nosetip touches mine.

top of the hill

cold catacombs hide your secrets. hidden your entire life.
now its presenting time. gag on the glassy table, so all can see.
still a mystery, blending veneer.

when you stop moving

blind dogs

close your eyes today, shut your mouth today, your lids will thank you -
and pupils flew away.

ferrum cordium

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Und ich wünsche mir Nähe, die keiner aufbringen mag. Wo baust du dir dein Versteck?